Chris Stigas, Handihelp founder, in his wheelchair

HandiHelp aims to transform the built environment into a more accessible and equitable space for all.  

HandiHelp Accessible Innovations, led by founder by Chris Stigas, is an industry-leading accessibility consulting company that empowers inclusive and equitable spaces within the built environment.

Motivated by his own life-altering spinal cord injury, Chris turned what most would consider a tragic experience into a catalyst for change by combining three distinct elements: his personal lived experience, academic training, and construction background. Through this unique fusion, he has emerged as an accessibility change agent, dedicated to reshaping the built environment into a more inclusive and equitable space for everyone.

As a hands-on organization, HandiHelp collaborates closely with stakeholders to identify and implement actionable solutions for accessibility challenges in construction projects and existing sites. Our expert team, specialized in Universal Design, construction, interior design, and digital accessibility, ensures optimal accessibility for building owners and visitors, while keeping abreast of CSA requirements and AODA statutes.

With a deep commitment to advancing accessibility across various environments, we offer consultation services for built, social, and cognitive needs, to create equitable living, learning, working, and play spaces.

Awards & Recognition

  • Patti Dawson Activist Award

    August 11, 2020 from Spinal Cord Injury Ontario for Activist of the year.

    HandiHelp founder Chris Stigas recognized for outstanding advocacy on behalf of individuals with disabilities and for championing inclusivity and equal access to goods and services.

    Visit Patti Dawson Activist Award

  • UHN Local Impact Award

    2020 UHN President’s Award, Patient Partner (Team) – Digital Patient Engagement Consultant Group – This remarkable group consists of 13 Patient Partners who are actively shaping UHN’s virtual care strategy and contributing to other significant digital initiatives within the organization.

    Visit UHN Local Impact Award

  • DVW Pandemic Heroes Award

    MP Rob Oliphant, Pandemic Heroes Award - Aug 2021

    Presented in recognition for donating HandiCup gift baskets to every spinal cord injury patient at Lyndhurst Rehab during the holiday season

    Visit DVW Pandemic Heroes Award

HandiHelp consulting experience includes: 

Extensive experience with blueprint reading • Strong competency with Building Codes • Excellent at visualizing concepts & ideas • Ability to converse knowledgeably with a wide range of stakeholders including architects, engineers, designers, project managers & regulatory bodies • Ability to explain complex construction matters in easy, straightforward manner.

Book a discovery call with Chris.

Learn more about what we can offer to your business, why accessibility matters, and what services are best suited to your needs.